Why Buy from Showrooms when you can buy directly from the Manufacturers?
Let your Furniture Define your Luxury.
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About Bricto

At BRICTO outstanding client service is our one priority. We are Delhiā€™s most trusted luxury furniture manufacturing company, upholding a long legacy of designer furniture and veteran craftmen.

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Our Projects

BRICTO has designed our entire Interiors of our Vasant Kunj Mansion. Suresh Raina and Myself are thoroughly impressed by their work. They have given the right set of furniture wihich suits our personality..

Mrs Priyanka Raina
Wife of cricketer Suresh Raina

One of my fellow colleagues recommended me to buy Furniture from BRICTO in 2013. Since then, every furniture of my home and office comes directly from the BRICTO Industry warehouse.

Mr BB Patil
Member of Parliament

BRICTO is my first choice when it comes to Luxurious furniture. Their service is top notch. The entire furniture set for the VIP rooms in Mohali stadium were supplied by BRICTO.

Mr Ranjib Biswal
Former IPL Chairman

Get in Touch

2/38, 2nd & 3rd Floor,
WHS Kirti Nagar,
New Delhi 110015, India

(+91) 9717071897,